# groupadd weblogic
# useradd -g weblogic weblogic
# passwd weblogic
# mkdir -p /var/bea
# chown -R weblogic:weblogic /var/bea
# su – weblogic
$ vi ~/.bash_profile
增加 export LANG=en_US.iso885915
$ su –
# chmod a+x /root/wls1211_linux32.bin
# ./wls1211_linux32.bin -mode=console
This installer will guide you through the installation of WebLogic
Type “Next” or enter to proceed to the next prompt. If you want to change data entered previously, type “Previous”. You may quit the installer at any time by typing “Exit”.
Enter [Exit][Next]> Next
Choose Middleware Home Directory:
“Middleware Home” = [Enter new value or use default
Enter new Middleware Home OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> /var/bea
Choose Middleware Home Directory:
“Middleware Home” = [/var/bea]
Use above value or select another option:
1 – Enter new Middleware Home
2 – Change to default [/root/Oracle/Middleware]
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next
Register for Security Updates:
Provide your email address for security updates and to initiate configuration manager.
2|Support Password:[]
3|Receive Security Update:[Yes]
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 3
Register for Security Updates:
Provide your email address for security updates and to initiate configuration manager.
“Receive Security Update:” = [Enter new value or use default “Yes”]
Enter [Yes][No]? No
Register for Security Updates:
Provide your email address for security updates and to initiate configuration manager.
“Receive Security Update:” = [Enter new value or use default “Yes”]
** Do you wish to bypass initiation of the configuration manager and
** remain uninformed of critical security issues in your configuration?
Enter [Yes][No]? yes
Register for Security Updates:
Provide your email address for security updates and to initiate configuration manager.
2|Support Password:[]
3|Receive Security Update:[No]
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next
Choose Install Type:
Select the type of installation you wish to perform.
| Install the following product(s) and component(s):
| – WebLogic Server
| – Oracle Coherence
| Choose software products and components to install and perform optional
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1
Choose Product Installation Directories:
Middleware Home Directory: [/var/bea]
Product Installation Directories:
1|WebLogic Server: [/var/bea/wlserver_12.1]
2|Oracle Coherence: [/var/bea/coherence_3.7]
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next
The following Products and JDKs will be installed:
WebLogic Platform
|_____WebLogic Server
| |_____Core Application Server
| |_____Administration Console
| |_____Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework
| |_____Web 2.0 HTTP Pub-Sub Server
| |_____WebLogic SCA
| |_____WebLogic JDBC Drivers
| |_____Third Party JDBC Drivers
| |_____WebLogic Server Clients
| |_____Xquery Support
| |_____Evaluation Database
|_____Oracle Coherence
| |_____Coherence Product Files
|_____SUN SDK 1.6.0_29
|_____Oracle JRockit 1.6.0_29 SDK
*Estimated size of installation: 1,178.0 MB
Enter [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next
Installing files..
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Installing JDK….
Performing String Substitutions…
Configuring OCM…
Installing Patches…
Creating Domains…
Installation Complete
Press [Enter] to continue or type [Exit]> ↙
# cd /var/bea/wlserver_12.1/common/bin
# ./config.sh -mode=console
Choose between creating and extending a domain. Based on your selection,
the Configuration Wizard guides you through the steps to generate a new or
extend an existing domain.
->1|Create a new WebLogic domain
| Create a WebLogic domain in your projects directory.
2|Extend an existing WebLogic domain
| Use this option to add new components to an existing domain and modify |configuration settings.
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Next]> 1
Select Domain Source:
Select the source from which the domain will be created. You can create the
domain by selecting from the required components or by selecting from a
list of existing domain templates.
->1|Choose Weblogic Platform components
| You can choose the Weblogic component(s) that you want supported in
|your domain.
2|Choose custom template
| Choose this option if you want to use an existing template. This
|could be a custom created template using the Template Builder.
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1
Application Template Selection:
Available Templates
|_____Basic WebLogic Server Domain – [wlserver_12.1]x
|_____Basic WebLogic SIP Server Domain – [wlserver_12.1] [2]
|_____WebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-RPC Extension – [wlserver_12.1] [3]
|_____WebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-WS Extension – [wlserver_12.1] [4]
Enter number exactly as it appears in brackets to toggle selection OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> next
Edit Domain Information:
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | base_domain |
Enter value for “Name” OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> weblogic
Edit Domain Information:
| Name | Value |
_|________|_______ |
1| *Name: | weblogic |
Use above value or select another option:
1 – Modify “Name”
2 – Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> next
Select the target domain directory for this domain:
“Target Location” = [Enter new value or use default
Enter new Target Location OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next
Configure Administrator User Name and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the
default administrator used to start development mode servers.
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | weblogic |
2| *User password: | |
3| *Confirm user password: | |
4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. |
Use above value or select another option:
1 – Modify “Name”
2 – Modify “User password”
3 – Modify “Confirm user password”
4 – Modify “Description”
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2
Configure Administrator User Name and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the
default administrator used to start development mode servers.
“*User password:” = []
Enter new *User password: OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]> 输入密码(至少八位)
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the
default administrator used to start development mode servers.
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | weblogic |
2| *User password: | ******** |
3| *Confirm user password: | |
4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. |
Use above value or select another option:
1 – Modify “Name”
2 – Modify “User password”
3 – Modify “Confirm user password”
4 – Modify “Description”
5 – Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 3
Configure Administrator User Name and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the
default administrator used to start development mode servers.
“*Confirm user password:” = []
Enter new *Confirm user password: OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]> 重复密码(至少八位)
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the
default administrator used to start development mode servers.
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | weblogic |
2| *User password: | ****** |
3| *Confirm user password: | ****** |
4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. |
Use above value or select another option:
1 – Modify “Name”
2 – Modify “User password”
3 – Modify “Confirm user password”
4 – Modify “Description”
5 – Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> next
Domain Mode Configuration:
Enable Development or Production Mode for this domain.
->1|Development Mode
2|Production Mode
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> next
Java SDK Selection:
1|JRockit SDK 1.6.0_29 @ /var/bea/jrockit_160_29_D1.2.0-10
->2|Sun SDK 1.6.0_29 @ /var/bea/jdk160_29
3|Other Java SDK
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> next
Select Optional Configuration:
1|Administration Server [ ]
2|Managed Servers, Clusters and Machines [ ]
3|RDBMS Security Store [ ]
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1
Select Optional Configuration:
1|Administration Server [x]
2|Managed Servers, Clusters and Machines [ ]
3|RDBMS Security Store [ ]
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> next
Each WebLogic Server domain must have one Administration Server. The Administration
Server is used to perform administrative tasks.
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | AdminServer |
2| *Listen address: | All Local Addresses |
3| Listen port: | 7001 |
4| SSL listen port: | N/A |
5| SSL enabled: | false |
Use above value or select another option:
1 – Modify “Name”
2 – Modify “Listen address”
3 – Modify “Listen port”
4 – Modify “SSL enabled”
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 3
Each WebLogic Server domain must have one Administration Server. The Administration
Server is used to perform administrative tasks.
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | AdminServer |
2| *Listen address: | All Local Addresses |
3| Listen port: | 7001 |
4| SSL listen port: | N/A |
5| SSL enabled: | false |
Enter value for “Listen port” OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 8080
Each WebLogic Server domain must have one Administration Server. The Administration
Server is used to perform administrative tasks.
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | AdminServer |
2| *Listen address: | All Local Addresses |
3| Listen port: | 8080 |
4| SSL listen port: | N/A |
5| SSL enabled: | false |
Use above value or select another option:
1 – Modify “Name”
2 – Modify “Listen address”
3 – Modify “Listen port”
4 – Modify “SSL enabled”
5 – Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 4
Each WebLogic Server domain must have one Administration Server. The Administration
Server is used to perform administrative tasks.
*Enter index number to modify “Value”
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]> 1
Each WebLogic Server domain must have one Administration Server. The Administration
Server is used to perform administrative tasks.
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | AdminServer |
2| *Listen address: | All Local Addresses |
3| Listen port: | 8080 |
4| SSL listen port: | 7002 |
5| SSL enabled: | true |
Use above value or select another option:
1 – Modify “Name”
2 – Modify “Listen address”
3 – Modify “Listen port”
4 – Modify “SSL listen port”
5 – Modify “SSL enabled”
6 – Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 4
Each WebLogic Server domain must have one Administration Server. The Administration
Server is used to perform administrative tasks.
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | AdminServer |
2| *Listen address: | All Local Addresses |
3| Listen port: | 8080 |
4| SSL listen port: | 7002 |
5| SSL enabled: | true |
Enter value for “SSL listen port” OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 8081
Each WebLogic Server domain must have one Administration Server. The Administration
Server is used to perform administrative tasks.
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | AdminServer |
2| *Listen address: | All Local Addresses |
3| Listen port: | 8080 |
4| SSL listen port: | 8081 |
5| SSL enabled: | true |
Use above value or select another option:
1 – Modify “Name”
2 – Modify “Listen address”
3 – Modify “Listen port”
4 – Modify “SSL listen port”
5 – Modify “SSL enabled”
6 – Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> next
Creating Domain…
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
**** Domain Created Successfully! ****
# /var/bea/user_projects/domains/weblogic/startWebLogic.sh
# vi /etc/rc.local
追加 sh /var/bea/user_projects/domains/weblogic/bin/startWebLogic.sh &

作者 admin

